Class List
# View Type My Placing
1 --Not Entered-- Market Steers 2
2 --Not Entered-- Market Steers 1
3 --Not Entered-- Market Goats
4 --Not Entered-- Performance Breeding Heifers
5 --Not Entered-- Breeding Gilts
6 --Not Entered-- Market Swine
7 --Not Entered-- Breeding Ewes
8 --Not Entered-- Market Lambs
Submitting Placings
There's no need to manually submit your card. After you've completed your selections and answered the questions on this page, your responses will be automatically scored when the contest concludes. If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at 210.380.7459 or e-mail
Each team or individual will compete at a county office location with a county extension employee as the Proctor for their respective group.

A Zoom or Microsoft Teams (TBD) link will be sent two days before the contest to the county offices with teams/individuals entered. They will need to log into the link at 8:15 am for orientation.

Contestants will complete the judging portion of the contest between 8:30 am – 10:30 am on July 29, 2020

Results of those advancing to the Reasons portion of the contest will be announced around 11 am through a Zoom/Microsoft Teams session.
View Results
Entry Info