Contest Details
Three classes for you to place and win Big Island Candies. Ensure you make an account. Please contact your 4-H Club Leader for directions.
We will provide the officials.
All registered Hawaii County 4-H Livestock member.
Big Island Candies
1. Log on and judge each of the four classes. The heifer class is an EPD class.
2. Write your placing down.
3. On the Right there will be a list of placing options. After judging the class, select the placing you chose for the class and click "submit" at the bottom of the list. This will enter your placing. It will automatically be submitted, so there is no need to turn in cards like you usually do at our competition.
Contest Over
Contest Classes
#1 Breeding Heifers

#2 Market Swine

#3 Market Lambs

#4 Breeding Does

Current Entries


Entries by State
  1. Hawaii