Rank Name Total 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Chyanne Schott 276 46 48 50 50 35 47
2 Kayliana Blackmore 272 46 40 47 48 41 50
3 A Caron 268 46 42 38 48 47 47
4 Kacee Schott 267 46 47 47 50 36 41
5 Jalina Blackmore 263 48 47 26 42 50 50
6 Samantha Graham 242 48 50 32 34 28 50
7 Chloe Clyburn 229 48 47 23 42 30 39
8 Hailey Vraves 225 48 47 14 39 50 27
9 Makenna Vraves 192 46 36 14 48 48
10 Dallon Walker 192 38 36 41 28 35 14
11 Seth Walker 191 48 39 29 26 23 26
Contest Series
This contest was part of the 2024 state contest series. View Full Rankings

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