Long Tailed
"Long Tailed" is a descriptor often used in the context of hogs, referring to those with tails that are noticeably longer than the norm.
Think of it as a unique hairstyle on a person – it doesn't change their abilities or value, but it's a noticeable feature that sets them apart. Similar to how newborn hogs are typically given a 'tail haircut' shortly after birth to prevent tail biting, sometimes a hog ends up with a tail that's left a bit longer than usual.
It's neither good nor bad, but it certainly helps in identifying that specific animal in a class, kind of like spotting someone in a crowd by their unique hairstyle. So, when you hear 'long tailed', it refers to a hog sporting a distinctive 'long tail' look.
Think of it as a unique hairstyle on a person – it doesn't change their abilities or value, but it's a noticeable feature that sets them apart. Similar to how newborn hogs are typically given a 'tail haircut' shortly after birth to prevent tail biting, sometimes a hog ends up with a tail that's left a bit longer than usual.
It's neither good nor bad, but it certainly helps in identifying that specific animal in a class, kind of like spotting someone in a crowd by their unique hairstyle. So, when you hear 'long tailed', it refers to a hog sporting a distinctive 'long tail' look.
Questions that use this term.
Who is the long-tailed hog?
Who is the long-tailed, broken-belted gilt?
Who is the long-tailed hog that is the plainest through its hip and ham?
Who is the long-tailed gilt?
Species Distribution of Term
There are no classes in our database that use this term.