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Contests in Ranking

Year runs from Griswold to NAILE for senior division and from September 1st to end of school year for JuCo.

Contest Date Teams High Point Team
Senior Junior
Houston 03/11/2024 43 Texas A&M University Blinn College
SLE 03/06/2024 9 University of Arkansas Hutchinson Community College
San Antonio 02/24/2024 30 Texas A&M University Redlands Community College
Iowa Beef Expo 02/10/2024 11 Kansas State University Black Hawk East College
Dixie National 02/10/2024 19 Oklahoma State University Lake Land College
Fort Worth 02/02/2024 13 Texas A&M University Redlands Community College
Sioux Empire 02/01/2024 7 Western Illinois University --
National Western 01/11/2024 48 Oklahoma State University Redlands Community College
Cattlemen’s Congress 01/08/2024 37 Oklahoma State University Black Hawk East College
Arizona National 12/31/2023 4 -- Linn-Benton Community College
Griswold 12/16/2023 31 Texas Tech University Blinn College
NAILE 11/13/2023 27 -- Butler Community College
Mid-American Stock Show 10/28/2023 8 -- Black Hawk East College
Boilermaker 10/21/2023 6 -- Illinois Central College
American Royal 10/16/2023 27 -- Blinn College
Cimarron Classic 10/12/2023 12 -- Redlands Community College
State Fair of Texas 10/09/2023 12 -- Black Hawk East College
Tulsa State Fair 10/06/2023 17 -- Redlands Community College
World Beef Expo 09/30/2023 5 -- Black Hawk East College
Flint Hills 09/29/2023 19 -- Redlands Community College
Aksarben 09/24/2023 12 -- Northern Oklahoma College
Tri State Fair 09/22/2023 7 -- Redlands Community College
Casper College 09/16/2023 2 -- Casper College
National Barrow Show 09/10/2023 7 -- Black Hawk East College
Braunvieh Field Day 09/09/2023 4 -- South Plains College
Top Notch 09/07/2023 5 -- Blinn College
Oklahoma NSR 09/02/2023 13 -- Blinn College
Oklahoma Stockman 09/01/2023 10 -- Redlands Community College
Ranking System

Note: Only the highest-ranked team from each school will be considered in the rankings. Additional teams from the same school that place lower will be excluded. For instance, if Team University ranks 1st, 3rd, and 6th, only the 1st-place ranking will be considered.

How Rankings are Calculated

  1. Each team begins with a base power rating of 1.00.
  2. A rating is assigned to each contest, calculated from the average power rating of the top ten teams participating.
  3. The rating of each contest is weighted (up to 5%) depending on how long ago it was. **New as of November 2023**
  4. Contest are then given additional weighting based on how many total schools compete in the event. **New as of November 2023**
  5. Teams earn points at the event based on both their placement and the event's strength. Winning is given more weight; the point gap between 1st and 4th place is greater than that between 10th and 20th.
  6. A team's new rating is calculated using its top five performances. This cycle repeats from step 2 until the ratings stabilize.

To view a detailed breakdown of a team's rating, click on the team name. The overall power rating for a team will be the average of their top five performances.

Additional Notes

  • The algorithm is purely data-driven and does not incorporate any subjective opinions.
  • The algorithm is adapted from the Official World Golf Ranking system.
  • The NAILE event has a 2x weightage in the ranking calculations.
  • Teams with logos have been in the top ten of the current version of power ranking at some point since September 2020.
  • The entire source code for the ranking can be found HERE